大家好,我是大强, 现居住在宁波,目前在某软件企业任产品研发
致力于:Java开发, 高性能、容错、分布式服务器, 物联网
开源框架:SpringCloud、Spring Boot、SpringMVC、Spring、MyBatis
操作系统:Linux, Ubuntu, Windows, Mac OS
开发工具:IntelliJ IDEA, Sublime Text, Eclipse, DataGrip
数据库:MySQL, Redis, Oracle
版本控制:Git, SVN
不忘初心,方得始终。做好自己,JUST DO IT。
全球最大的交友网站GayHub关注我: https://github.com/codinglfq
Twitter: @fqboik
Hi, I'm lfq. Now i'm living in Ningbo, China.
Focus on: High performance, research and implementation of distributed server, the Internet of things, the web development.
Environment: Have been using Linux many years.Familiar with developing environment and server deployment on Linux.
Language: Familiar with Java, Erlang, Python, and can use it to accomplish lots of work.
Belief: Follow your heart, don't forget your dream, just do it.
Others: I love to work with teams.Pretty good at using git and markdown.Familiar with security of Server Application.
Github: https://github.com/codinglfq
Mail: googlex@aliyun.com